Software Used to Make The Project: Node.js, Express, Sequelize, React, Redux, p5.js


World of Wishes is an interactive website where users can ‘make a wish’ and see their wish adorned to a sky full of wishes. It consists of a database with user input data, admin filtration, and data visualization of database information. This project was created during a stack-a-thon that took place over 4 days.

World of Wishes is a creative project where I wanted to explore data visualization, specifically using drawing and sketches. p5.js was a creative library I've used in the past, but had little to no documentation when it came to integrating it with React. I spent a lot of time trying our different functions and methods to meld the two software and was able to display the wishes on the sky! Though it isn't the prettiest now, I hope to improve the project in the future.