Software Used to Make The Project: Express, Sequelize, React, Redux, JSON Web Token, Heroku Deployment, Bootstrap
Duckeye Emporium is an e-commerce site dedicated to selling the finest cat supplies on the market. Users can login and view their past orders and carts, or simply browse, add to cart and checkout! This project was created in collaboration with Nhu Quynh Le, Ellie Ly, Melissa Moy, and Yooboo Park.
This is a project meant to help us understand the tech and workings behind e-commerce sites. We started from scratch and collaborated to figure out how to implement different features of the website. My role in this project focused mainly on security and authentication. I ensured that logins for users was hashed before storing into the database, gate kept certain parts of the website so that only admins could access those sections, and made preventative measures against injection attacks by selectively intaking information in post requests.
Besides security and authentication, I also worked on API routes both on the front-end and back-end. We used tokens to authenticate users and thus needed to ensure they were passed along from front-end local storage to reach the back-end to authenticate. I defined the different database models needed and created the various CRUD routes. Specific routes such as PUT and DELETE should only be accessed by admins, so I implemented middlewares to ensure a user was an admin before allowing them to access the information.
In the end we learned a lot from this project! I have new found respect for e-commerce site developers and tech like shopify who have created an efficient and elegant cart system.